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DOI Supervisory Resource Center

Greetings and Welcome!

The Department of the Interior (DOI) has the express quality of touching the lives of our American people every day. With the opportunity to touch lives comes responsibility. DOI University takes great care in managing the supervisory program and focusing on results for the supervisors in DOI because they are the bond between our departmental and bureau strategies, performance and ultimately our connection with the American public.

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) have detailed guidance to agencies to develop a quality supervisory workforce with essential competencies. They distinguish the competency needs along with a supervision lifecycle, and DOI has adopted that model and categories as our program framework.

The DOI University Supervisory Program addresses the learning and performance demands for non-managers and aspiring supervisors, new supervisors, and experienced supervisors. This site is designed to be your reference for development of supervisors in the department. We provide course summaries, event dates, resource and references to assist you in the fulfillment of your supervisory responsibilities.




Browse the HR Policy Library for all Department Policies.

Performance Management:

Performance Management

Human Resources Management:

Servicing Human Resources Offices

Managers & HR Professionals

Employee Benefits and Pay


Frequently Asked Questions:

Am I supervisor?

If you have a supervisory status indicator assigned to you in FPPS (The Federal Personnel Payroll System) you are a supervisor and should consider the development requirement for supervisors found at 5 CFR 412.202(b) requiring supervisors to receive:

  • Initial supervisory training within one year of the new supervisor’s appointment, and
  • Retraining in all areas at least once every three years.

Development should map to the OPM Supervisory Framework and objectives outlined in the Government Performance and Results Modernization Act of 2010, as well as critical leadership competencies and technical HR knowledge needed to succeed as a supervisor.


I have been a supervisor for 4 years but never completed formal training. Should I attend the One DOI Supervisory: Supervisor in their first Year event or the One DOI Supervisory: Supervisors in their first 3 Years?

Because the one DOI program is built to map to the OPM Supervisory Framework and objectives outlined in the Government Performance and Results Modernization Act we recommend you attend the One DOI Supervisory: Supervisor in Their First Year event. This will establish your initial competency development for the OPM Supervisory framework and align correctly to the “Retraining in all Areas” prescribed by 5 CFR 412.202(b) every 3 years for your future development.

About Our Program

Supervisors are the department’s link between our successes transforming strategy into execution and a key factor in our employee satisfaction. To prepare our new and existing supervisors for the demands of their role we offer the following supervisory development.

Our Program Offerings