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Taking Flight towards Personality Driven Results Virtual Workshop Series for Leaders - January 2025


This 4-workshop series, is a refreshing reimagination of the tried-and-true DISC method, using a brain-friendly method of linking the DISC styles to Birds! This method will arm emerging and experienced leaders with a deep understanding of personality with the ability to apply the styles with ease as they communicate, provide feedback, take risks, run meetings, assign tasks, resolve conflicts, understand others, and to apply Emotional Intelligence strategies. Which bird are you? Check out this Taking Flight introductory video.

This series is built around key competencies: self- awareness, social awareness, flexibility and culture. While the most self-aware people are the most successful people, those who can read others and adapt to meet their needs are even more so. This course applies Merrick Rosenberg’s reimagined the traditional DISC method by using birds to denote each personality style. By linking Eagles to the Dominant (D) style, Parrots to the Interactive (I) style, Doves to the Supportive (S) style and Owls to the Conscientious (C) style, participants remember and apply the styles with ease. 

This course is for supervisors, team-leaders, and team members. Across 5 sessions (~24 hours), participants will learn how to utilize the four styles when: communicating and listening to others; providing feedback; taking risks; coping with stress; leading change; dealing with change; managing time; crafting emails; public speaking; running meetings; working in teams; leading teams; and managing conflict. Additionally, participants will learn to apply the relationship between personality and emotional intelligence to their day-to-day activities for positive results.

By building on existing knowledge, this brain-friendly approach makes new DISC insights immediately accessible in the moment they are needed. Participants will discover how they unconsciously impose their style on others and sometimes even try to change the people around them because after all, “my way is the right way.” The exercises and discussions help participants understand the needs, tendencies, motivators and fears of the people in their lives. That awareness is channeled into action by providing the skills to flexibly adapt to others by anticipating their needs and displaying the right behavior at the right time. Participants also learn how to apply the four styles to improve team dynamics and organizational culture. 

This program is filled with engaging activities that allow participants to experience the DISC styles in action. Through interactive exercises, participants discover how often they impose their style on others and how the simple shift to treating people how they need to be treated will strengthen relationships and increase effectiveness.  


Workshop 1: Taking Flight with DISC - January 14, 10:00-4:30 Eastern

This high energy program makes self-awareness simple and intuitive, enabling people to easily remember the styles and apply new skills. The result is that participants are able to flex their style to communicate more effectively and respectfully with the people in their lives. 

  • Develop deep understanding of own style 
  • Practice Quickly reading the styles of others   
  • Practice tapping into natural gifts  
  • Develop methods to avoid overusing strengths  
  • Build stronger relationships 
  • Communicate more effectively  
  • Create a more engaging and productive work environment 


Workshop 2: Chameleon Leadership - January 15, 10:00-4:30 Eastern 

Chameleon Leadership teaches current and future leaders how to flexibly adapt to the needs of their direct reports. This one-day session takes existing skills to the next level by linking the four personality styles (Eagles, Parrots, Doves and Owls) to a range of core leadership skills. 

Managers will quickly discover that in all likelihood, they have been creating an environment in which they themselves will thrive instead of an environment in which their people will thrive. Without realizing it, leaders regularly impose their personality style on their staff. Traditional leadership training ignores this reality and typically espouses a one-size-fits-all approach to leading others. 

Since the most successful leaders are the most adaptable leaders, Chameleon Leadership teaches managers how to adapt to the people who report to them. 

  • Display Eagle candor, Parrot passion, Dove empathy and communicate with Owl clarity 
  • Practice flexing to adapt to what is needed in the moment 
  • Learn to develop others by honoring the individual needs, gifts and challenges of their staff 
  • Leverage their team by building on each person’s strengths 
  • Drive Eagle results, Parrot morale, Dove loyalty and Owl quality 


Workshop 3: ReDISCovering Conflict - January 16, 10:00-4:30 Eastern 

ReDISCovering Conflict helps turn conflict into a constructive force to build relationships. Check out this short video. Participants will explore conflict in a revolutionary way by looking at conflict through the lens of our personalities. Building on the founding principles learned in the Taking Flight with DISC training program, this course looks at how personality styles play into conflict development, duration, and resolution. 

Through the Chameleon Conflict Model participants will learn how to read interpersonal cues to better understand the styles of others, as they gain deep insights into how to apply style wisdom to create positive outcomes during conflict. 

  • Identify when style is an underlying cause of conflict 
  • Recognize why each style embraces or avoids conflict 
  • Implement strategies to manage conflict tactics used by each style 
  • Shift from placing the blame to fixing the problem 
  • Flex style to bridge to others during conflict 


Workshop 4: Taking Flight with Emotional Intelligence - January 17, 10:00-2:30 Eastern 

Emotional intelligence, often referred to as EI or EQ, refers to the ability to perceive, recognize, evaluate, understand, and control our emotions. EQ allows us to choose how we think, feel, and act. Emotional Intelligence gives us the ability to manage our own emotions and positively influence the emotions of others. While IQ is fairly stable throughout an individual’s adult life, EQ can be boosted through increased awareness and practice. IQ is often the ticket for admission to get schooling for a job. But EQ drives how successful someone will be at that job. This short video provides a short preview!  

  • Define Emotional Intelligence (EQ/EI) 
  • Discover the four Components and 18 Talents of EQ 
  • Understand EQ through the lens of the four styles 
  • Delve deeper into the emotions of each style 
  • Understand how emotions and style impact effectiveness 
  • Learn how to interpret high/low EQ for each Component 


OPM Leadership Competencies Addressed 

Self-Awareness, External Awareness, Flexibility, Resilience, Strategic Thinking, Vision, Conflict Management, Team Building, Customer Service, Decisiveness, Partnering, Political Savvy, Influencing/Negotiation, Interpersonal Skills, Oral and Written Communication.  



Because seating is limited, cancelations are only accepted 45 days before the cohort start date.  


Attendance at each day of each workshop is required for course completion.  

Registration Links 

Please use one of the links below to register for this course.  

DOI Employees 

Non-DOI Federal Employees 


To Pay for Seminar: Taking Flight towards Personality Driven Results Virtual Workshop Series for Leaders - January 2025

Tuition Fee
Event Days
Multi Day Event
Start Date
End Date
Acquisition Course (FAI CSOD)
Class Times
12:00 PM - 6:30 PM