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DOI University Training Policies

Full attendance is a requirement for all DOI University courses/programs. Attendance is required for every day of class. Registration for our courses/programs represents a significant investment in your development by you, your supervisor, and your office. To ensure you get the most out of our course/programs, please plan your commute accordingly to arrive on time for class. If you miss a day of class and do not notify DOI University, the DOI Talent attendance record will be marked as incomplete.

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Due to recent changes, many of you may no longer be able to pay tuition via Government Purchase Card. Before browsing our catalog please read our revised Registration and Tuition Payment Instructions.


When you register for a DOI University class, you may receive an automated enrollment notification. This does not guarantee the class will occur.

Students who are registered and paid for a class will receive an informational email with specific class information approximately 1-2 weeks prior to the class start date. 

We reserve the right to cancel or reschedule a class until you receive the informational email as confirmation that the class is guaranteed to proceed as scheduled.

Please refer to the specific policies outlined for DOI University leadership and professional development programs when applying or enrolling in these programs. These programs may have unique enrollment and cancellation procedures.

NOTE: If you are traveling for any of our in-person courses, please wait for your email confirmation before making travel plans. 

DOI University Contact List

Course enrollment substitutions are acceptable any time up to the course start date. DOI University must be notified of any substitutions as early as possible via email. In some cases where there are specific course requirements such as pre-work, substitutions may not be allowed. DOI University understands that circumstances may change and students and agencies are given the opportunity to reschedule whenever possible. Requests to reschedule training must be received at least 15 business days before the course start date. Requests received after the designated time will be considered a cancellation and tuition refunds will not be issued.

DOI University Contact List

Space in DOI University courses is limited. If you need to cancel, please provide written notification through email as early as possible. DOI University must receive the cancellation notification at least 15 business days in advance of the course start date (UNLESS DESIGNATED DIFFERENTLY IN THE COURSE DESCRIPTION).There are no refunds for cancellation notifications received after the designated time or for no shows, and tuition fees are not transferable to another course.

DOI University Contact List

Students must be officially enrolled in a class to initiate any reasonable accommodation request. Please plan ahead to contact your hiring official, supervisor, and/or Disability Program Manager (DPM) at least four weeks before the course or program begins to discuss your specific needs and arrangements and to request a reasonable accommodation. Reasonable accommodation requests are managed by the agency/DOI bureau for which the employee works.

Upon completion of the reasonable accommodation request through your hiring official, supervisor, and/or DPM, please share the reasonable accommodation details with the learning center hosting the course/training program.

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DOI University may cancel or dismiss classes early due to emergencies or inclement weather. We reserve the right to cancel any scheduled course due to operational and mission necessity. Upon cancellation, employees are expected to follow the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) or regional guidance regarding “telework” and use of “unscheduled leave” options.


For those who are traveling the night before the training begins and no closing announcements have been made, you will need to listen to local weather reports, check OPM’s website, OPM’s Alert mobile app, and/or use your best judgment about driving conditions and whether or not you need to make the trip. If we know early enough before the first day of training that the center is closing, we will make every effort to contact participants ahead of time.


Regional Learning Center Inclement Weather Guidance


DOI University Learning Center/Location Regional Guidance
Albuquerque Learning Center/National Indian Programs Training Center (ALC/NIPTC) For classes in Albuquerque, NM, the Albuquerque Learning Center/National Indian Programs Training Center (ALC/NIPTC) follows direction from the agency as well as the Office of Personnel Management. The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) directors will post the latest delayed opening or closure information on local television stations. Follow guidance for BIA offices on KOAT TV Channel 7 and KOB TV Channel 4. Once you know the regional status for your location, follow the appropriate DOIU Learning Center Status for all learning center locations.
Denver Learning Center (DLC) For classes in Denver, CO, the Denver Learning Center (DLC) follows the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) at the Denver Federal Center for guidance. The Denver Federal Executive Board announces delayed openings or closures of the Denver Federal Center by 5:30 a.m. Please call 1-877-864-1897 for operating status. Once you know the regional status for your location, follow the appropriate DOIU Learning Center Status for all learning center locations.
Washington Learning Center (WLC) For classes in Washington, DC, the Washington Learning Center follows direction from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). See OPM's operating status page for the current status. Once you know the regional status for your location, follow the appropriate DOIU Learning Center Status for all learning center locations.


For locations outside of these regions, please visit the Federal Executive Board or contact the appropriate regional training center point of contact for further guidance.


All Learning Center Locations

Whenever regional guidance changes the operating status for a learning center location, DOI University will follow the policy below:



Regional Guidance Status DOIU Learning Center Status
Employees are expected to report for work on time
RUN - Class start time is dependent on the number of hours of the delay (i.e., If a class is scheduled to start at 8:00 a.m. and the delay is two hours, the class will begin at 10:00 a.m.)
RUN - Class will be dismissed XX hours early based on the class schedule (i.e., If a class is scheduled to end at 4:00 p.m. and the early departure is two hours, the class will end at 2:00 p.m.)
CLOSED Class session for that day will be CANCELED. Our standard operating procedure is to cancel classes whenever the federal government is closed and to resume classes whenever the facility reopens. Thus, for a five-day training, if the federal government is closed on Wednesday and reopens on Thursday, our training will begin with training day 3 on Thursday, and the missed time will be rescheduled.



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