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FQN 428 Writing Statements of Work


Doing it well ensures program success. Doing it poorly guarantees expending a lot more time and effort on a contract when the time and the resources probably aren't available. Acquisition planning, pre-solicitation, and post-solicitation work, establish a solid foundation for the award and completion of a contract that will meet or exceed program objectives. Selection of the Contracting Officer's Representative (COR), COR responsibilities, requirement's development, contract vehicles, contract evaluation and contract award are some additional topics that will be addressed in this fast moving course. Learning Objectives and Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this training course, the student will be able to: Discuss the policies procedures and practices applicable to development of a Statement of Objectives. Describe the statement of objectives approach methodology to providing background information and identifying constraints or limitations on programmatic solutions. Describe a systems approach that must be understood by potential vendors who are developing the statement of work as part of their proposal. Describe the proposal contents and requirements for a quality assurance surveillance plan (QASP). Discuss outcome-based considerations for evaluation of offers, contract award, and administration of the contract.


Registration for employees (FAI CSOD)

Tuition:  $680.00

To Pay for Seminar:

Please forward the payment credit card link to your credit cardholder as we do not take payments over the phone. Payment is due at registration, and it is the attendee’s responsibility to ensure payment is made. Your office will need to pay our tuition fee with an authorized government purchase card and not through EFT. We accept federally appropriated funds to pay the course tuition. DOI University cannot accept non-appropriated funds from the private sector nor personal payments. Our preferred method of payment is an authorized federal government credit card.

Cancellation Policy:  Space in DOI University courses is limited. If you need to cancel, please provide written notification through email as early as possible. DOI University must receive the cancellation notification at least 15 business days in advance of the course start date. There are no refunds for cancellation notifications received after the designated time or for no shows, and tuition fees are not transferable to another course.

DOIU will send a confirmation email with specific class information about one week prior to your class. We reserve the right to cancel or reschedule a class until you receive email confirmation from Learning Center Staff.

Tuition Fee
Event Days
Multi Day Event
Start Date
End Date
Acquisition Course (FAI CSOD)
Class Times
10:00 AM - 6:30 PM