Greetings and Welcome!
The Department of the Interior (DOI) has the express quality of touching the lives of our American people every day. With the opportunity to touch lives comes responsibility. DOI University takes great care in managing the supervisory program and focusing on results for the supervisors in DOI because they are the bond between our departmental and bureau strategies, performance and ultimately our connection with the American public.
The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) have detailed guidance to agencies to develop a quality supervisory workforce with essential competencies. They distinguish the competency needs along with a supervision lifecycle, and DOI has adopted that model and categories as our program framework.
The DOI University Supervisory Program addresses the learning and performance demands for non-managers and aspiring supervisors, new supervisors, and experienced supervisors. This site is designed to be your reference for development of supervisors in the department. We provide course summaries, event dates, resource and references to assist you in the fulfillment of your supervisory responsibilities.
Course Handouts
Employee Engagement Toolbox
- Addressing and Resolving Poor Performance
- Admin Grievance
- Administratively Uncontrollable Work
- Approval of Overtime
- Awards and Recognition Policy
- Discipline and Adverse Action
- Limit on Use of Comp Time Off
- Mandatory EEO and PPP and NoFEAR Act and Civil Treatment Training PB Final
- Pay Administration
- Prohibited Personnel Practices
- Reasonable Accommodation
- Safety Guidlines
- Telework Handbook June 2011
Frequently Asked Questions:
Am I supervisor?
If you have a supervisory status indicator assigned to you in FPPS (The Federal Personnel Payroll System) you are a supervisor and should consider the development requirement for supervisors found at 5 CFR 412.202(b) requiring supervisors to receive:
- Initial supervisory training within one year of the new supervisor’s appointment, and
- Retraining in all areas at least once every three years.
Development should map to the OPM Supervisory Framework and objectives outlined in the Government Performance and Results Modernization Act of 2010, as well as critical leadership competencies and technical HR knowledge needed to succeed as a supervisor.
I have been a supervisor for 4 years but never completed formal training. Should I attend the One DOI Supervisory: Supervisor in their first Year event or the One DOI Supervisory: Supervisors in their first 3 Years?
Because the one DOI program is built to map to the OPM Supervisory Framework and objectives outlined in the Government Performance and Results Modernization Act we recommend you attend the One DOI Supervisory: Supervisor in Their First Year event. This will establish your initial competency development for the OPM Supervisory framework and align correctly to the “Retraining in all Areas” prescribed by 5 CFR 412.202(b) every 3 years for your future development.
About Our Program
Supervisors are the department’s link between our successes transforming strategy into execution and a key factor in our employee satisfaction. To prepare our new and existing supervisors for the demands of their role we offer the following supervisory development.
Our Program Offerings
Description: This course equips participants with the foundational concepts and skills to enable them to manage teams to perform to their highest potential. Participants will learn essential skills to gain the respect and support of others, as well as how to build influence without designated authority. They will learn strategies to leverage their role within the organization to lead, handle different personality types, solve problems, make decisions, become a change manager, and build solid long-lasting working relationships.
Who Should Attend: Individuals who are not in a supervisory role but who need to get work done through others or those who aspire to a supervisory role.
Description: The Learning Plan, Supervision Fundamentals, is an essential collection of online courses and tools for new supervisors in the first 3 months of supervision. All supervisors have the responsibility to lead the workforce in compliance with established personnel policies and procedures, and transform strategy into performance. Topics addressed in these courses include:
- Merit Systems Principles
- Prohibited Personnel Practices
- Hiring
- Pay and Leave Policy
- Telework Policy
- Reasonable Accommodation and Principles of 508 Accessibility
- EEO (including sexual harassment and No Fear Act)
Who Should Attend: Individuals who are new supervisors in their first 3 months of supervision. It is also a prerequisite to the Supervision for New Supervisors course offered by DOI University.
Course |
Essentials of Interviewing and Hiring: Conducting an Effective Interview |
Staffing Your Organization |
Supervisory Ethics |
EEO (including sexual harassment, NO Fear Act) |
Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) |
Workplace Safety |
Essential Mentoring Techniques |
Veterans Employment Training |
This course equips participants with the foundational concepts and skills that federal supervisors need to be successful in leading employees to perform to their highest potential. The course focuses on the competencies and critical management activities addressed in the OPM guidance for supervisors in the first year. Learners will develop competency proficiency in the Executive Core Qualifications (ECQs): Leading People, Leading Change, Results Driven, Business Acumen, and Building Coalitions; as well as proven leadership methods, tools, and techniques they can immediately apply on the job. Topics covered include:
- Leadership, Talent Management, and Performance Management
- Mentoring
- Improving employee performance
- Dealing with performance and conduct issues
- Managing work schedules and priorities
- Creating performance plans
- Conducing performance appraisals
Who Should Attend: Supervisors who need to satisfy the training requirement for new supervisors in the first year.
Important: The course maps to the OPM Supervisory Framework and objectives outlined in the Government Performance and Results Modernization Act of 2010, as well as critical leadership competencies and technical HR knowledge needed to succeed as a supervisor. You MUST attend the entire course to get credit. Please review the course dates and times and plan your travel accordingly.
Letter: Transmittal 5185
Note for DOI Employees: This course meets DOI's annual requirement for 4 hours of EEO and 4 hours of diversity training.
Effective supervisors get things done through other people. They have the knowledge and skills to develop talent, motivate and engage employees, set the strategic direction, and get results. This course will explore ways to create an ethical and inclusive work environment where employees are motivated to perform at the highest level. Experienced supervisors will also learn from their peers on leadership strategies, tools, and techniques to deal with challenging workplace issues. This course satisfies the OPM guidance to provide training for supervisors in their first three years and those who need to meet the requirement for recurring supervisory training. Topics include:
- Modifying your leadership style to fit the situation
- Managing conflict
- Strategies and techniques for motivating and engaging employees
- Leveraging diversity
- Addressing real world challenges facing the federal supervisor
Who Should Attend: Experienced supervisors who have not completed their “refresher” for their 3 year recurring training obligation. New supervisors are subject to the 3 year recurring training requirement from the date of hire.
Important: This course satisfies OPM's mandatory training requirement for supervisors every 3 years (5 CFR 412.202(b)). You MUST attend the entire course to get credit. Please review the course dates and times and plan your travel accordingly.
Note for DOI Employees: This course meets DOI's annual requirement for 4 hours of EEO and 4 hours of diversity training.
Description: This course introduces an easy-to-use 6-step process for writing effective performance elements and standards, demystifies the process of measuring different types of work and provides insights into various types of feedback techniques. There is a particular focus on three areas that appear to provide the greatest challenges to supervisors and employees: setting clear objectives, monitoring progress, and giving and receiving feedback. The course includes opportunities for real-world practice, building a deeper understanding of the tools provided.
Who Should Attend: All supervisors looking to improve in performance management.
What will I learn?
By the end of this course you will be able to:
- Describe performance management and DOI requirements
- Identify your role as an effective manager of performance
- Apply performance management tools to help set and communicate performance expectations that make sense
- Understand how and when to use different monitoring techniques
- Provide constructive and effective feedback to a diverse workforce
- Hold clear, concise, and impactful performance review discussions
- Identify and bridge skills gaps
- Recognize opportunities and tools for the development of others
What will it cover?
- The Federal Performance Management Process
- Setting Clear Objectives
- Monitoring progress
- Giving and receiving feedback
- Planning for and conducting effective discussions
- Managing and motivating for individual performance
- Dealing with poor performance
Description:Theory is necessary and good, but at the start of each day supervisors and managers need to know the facts, their responsibilities, and some effective practices and procedures in order to effectively handle sensitive encounters with employees. Core aspects of a supervisor’s and manager’s position are to facilitate meaningful and fair performance reviews at the mid-year point and at the end-of-year. They must be able to appropriately address on- and off-site misconduct, and know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the types of behaviors that are illegal for they, as supervisors, to engage in.
The Federal Managers Guidance Workshop is offered in a compressed single day format and expanded 2 day format. Learners all receive a personal copy of the the Federal Managers Guide. "No matter what the situation, make sure you have the new 2018 Federal Manager’s Guide® on hand … with quick access to guidance based on all the latest laws, regulations and mandated procedures you need to comply with."
Who Should Attend: All supervisors looking to improve in supervision and management.
What will I learn?
This workshop provides supervisors and managers with a meaningful ‘crash course’ in specific performance appraisal, misconduct management, and EEO-restricted practices.
What will it cover?
- Review contents and on the job applications of The Federal Manager’s Guide.
- Review and evaluate practical scenario based situations for effective EPAP midyear and end-of-year discussions.
- Clarify end-of-year ratings and measures to ensure consistency of rating administrations.
- Generate and consider effective personnel actions.
- Analyze the conditions for a valid off-duty misconduct action.
- Review the definition of “retaliation”, examine examples of EEO retaliation, and some appropriate and legally-protected EEO activities.
This short, interactive session (4 hours) describes that today’s workforce is not just diverse in culture and gender. Employees of all ages are not working together in teams and workgroups. In this high-impact training course, you will learn and practice techniques for techniques for communicating, collaborating and working with coworkers and customers from all generational backgrounds.
Bystander Intervention is recognizing a potentially harmful situation or interaction and choosing to respond in a way that could positively influence the outcome. In this interactive program, we’ll teach you how to identify potential harassment, recognize when intervention is appropriate, and strategies for active bystander intervention. You’ll learn safe and effective techniques for intervening and how to overcome the challenges that often accompany an intervention.
As a result of this session, participants will be able to:
- Explore the five generations in the workplace.
- Examine workplace characteristics of each generation.
- Identify the styles, ethics, values and perceptions of each generation.
- Create a positive, productive environment where are generations are appreciated.
- Define bystander intervention.
- Identify the stages of bystander intervention.
- Apply techniques for effective intervention.
Who Should Attend: Registration for the Intergenerational Sensitivity and Bystander Intervention Training is limited to GS Full Time DOI Employees Only. Other DOI employees will not have access to registration.
How to Register: View the session list in DOI Talent and select an event to attend. DOI University is actively scheduling additional events in other geographic places. All sessions are instructor-led. Participants must attend in person to receive credit in DOI Talent. The sessions are now available for registration and are no cost to the office or employee.
Description: The Department of the Interior (DOI) University is coordinating the Civil Treatment for Leaders (CTL) learning. This opportunity is specifically intended for the Office of the Secretary (OS) Supervisors who have not met this mandatory training requirement. These events will satisfy the DOI training requirement of civility training for current supervisors. Regional trainers have been certified to deliver this course, and we are arranging dates and locations for supervisors in varied geographic locations. This course provides supervisors with the skills and insights needed to achieve positive results and engage employees in ways that inspire their best work and lead to a productive work environment. Rather than focusing on the law exclusively, the course focuses on the range of behaviors needed to achieve a civil, healthy workplace. You will discover how certain behaviors impact the workplace in ways supervisors may not have considered. With simple and sustainable learning models and tools, supervisors will develop the skills proven to impact workplace culture and organizational results positively.
Who Should Attend: All supervisors.
How to Register: Please use the deep links provided below to log in to DOI Talent and select an event to attend. DOI University is actively scheduling additional events in other geographic places. Check back for other event dates offered for our OS Supervisors.
These sessions are now available for registration and are no cost to the office or employee:
New Virtual Sessions: In addition to the in person events below, DOI University is also offering virtual events. If you are signed up for a virtual event, please refer to the following resource guides.
Currently there are no sessions scheduled
Washington, DC Sessions:
Currently there are no sessions scheduled at this location
Denver, CO Sessions:
Currently there are no sessions scheduled at this location