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Leadership Institute Developmental Program Offerings

Explore The Leadership Institute at DOIU, where we offer an extensive range of in-person and virtual leadership development experiences crafted to empower individuals and organizations for success in ever-changing environments. Immerse yourself in career development opportunities and dynamic learning experiences, featuring cutting-edge methodologies that guarantee a flexible and impactful journey towards growth and excellence.

Check this site regularly for updates! 

In-Person Leadership Seminars 

Learning from our Lands: Exploring Leadership Lessons in Colorado (2024) - Looking to level up your leadership skills? Do you serve DOI in a support function and want to better understand the Department’s front-line work? Want to learn more about what other bureaus in the Department do? Elevate your leadership skills with this unique development program where DOI field sites serve as the classroom.  No boring lectures with this course!  It was created to foster the connection, commitment, and relevance of leadership to the purpose and mission of the Department. 

Read full description and register here

Dates: September 16-20

Tuition: $2,245


Transformational Leadership: Mastering the 4 Habits of Higher Performing Teams

Experience the transformative power of our 3-day CARE Experience program and our innovative leadership simulation. The CARE Experience offers an immersive, day-long workshop designed to instill essential leadership behaviors that foster psychological safety, collaboration, and inclusion within your team. Following this, our two-day leadership simulation provides a dynamic and engaging environment where participants can apply their new skills in real-time scenarios, reinforcing the learning and ensuring long-term behavioral change. This combination not only greatly enhances self-awareness and empathy among individuals, but also drives better communication, decision-making, and overall team performance. Elevate your team culture and empower your people to unlock their full potential from wherever you sit with our proven, science-backed approach to leadership development.

DOIU Denver Learning Center: Nov 19-21 Read full description and register here

DOIU Washington DC Learning Center: Dec 17-19 Read full description and register here

Tuition: $2,245


Coming soon - The Leadership Advantage: Strategies for Influence, Negotiation, Change, and Decision Making

This comprehensive in-person 4-day program is designed for government professionals to enhance their leadership skills and drive organizational success. This course equips participants with advanced strategies in three key areas: leveraging influence and negotiation styles to achieve positive outcomes, mastering change through the 3Ps framework (Process, People, Personal), and making informed decisions using a robust toolkit of analytical tools. Through interactive sessions, practical exercises, and the application of proven models and techniques, participants will develop a deep understanding of their personal styles and learn to adapt these to complex public sector environments. By the end of this course, participants will be adept at building coalitions, leading change, and making decisions, effectively addressing the unique challenges of government leadership.

DOIU Albuquerque Learning Center: Feburaruy 13-15, 2025 

DOIU Denver Learning Center: June 9-12, 2025

Tuition: $2,450

* Registration Links Opening Soon

Leadership Odyssey: Emerging Leader Summit - Nestled in the breathtaking YMCA of the Rockies, this immersive program empowers individuals on their path to inspiring leadership. Our holistic approach focuses on leading self, others, business, and future, providing essential tools for success Join us on this extraordinary leadership adventure with former Southwest Airlines executive and Chief Learning Officer.

Read full description and register here. Class is full, please check out our other in-person and virtual offerings. 

Dates: September 9-13 

Tuition: $1,995

Virtual Workshop Series for Leaders 

Unlock your leadership potential by choosing one of our Virtual Workshop Series for Leaders, designed to hone targeted leadership competencies. Enjoy the flexibility of virtual delivery, saving you time and eliminating travel costs. Choose from a diverse array of Workshop Series tailored to elevate your leadership skills.


Outward Mindset Virtual Workshop Series for Leaders - Unlock the key to personal and organizational success. Join us for 3 transformative workshops that delve deep into developing an outward mindset. Learn how this shift in perspective drives collaboration, sparks performance, enhances inclusivity, and redefines accountability. 

Read full description and register here. Register now, registration closes Friday, August 21

Dates: September 26 & 27, October 24, November 21, 10:00-4:30 Eastern

Tuition: $1,985


Taking Flight towards Personality-Driven Results Virtual Workshop Series for Leaders - Experience a refreshing take on understanding personalities and behaviors. This highly acclaimed 4-workshop series links DISC styles to birds for easy recall, equipping leaders with powerful communication, management skills, conflict resolution, and Emotional Intelligence strategies. Due to high demand, we have several offerings in FY 24 & 25. 

Read full description and register for one of the following 

September 10- 13, 2024 Read full description and register here

November 12, 14, 19 & 21, 2024 Read full description and register here

December 10-13, 2024 Read full description and register here

January 14-17. 2025 Read full description and register here

February 11-14, 2025 Read full description and register here 

Tuition: $1,945


Fierce Leadership Virtual Workshop Series for Leaders - Experience the Fierce Leadership Virtual Workshop Series: a minimal 5-hour investment per week over 5 weeks (9, 2.5-hour virtual sessions), yielding immense leadership dividends. Elevate your leadership prowess with award-winning methodologies empowering you to spark engagement, boost productivity, and drive organizational success. Don't miss this opportunity to invest minimally and reap substantial leadership rewards.

Read full description and register for one of the following 

Fall, Nov 7-Dec 12, 2024 Read full description and register here

Winter, Jan 28-Feb 25, 2025 Read full description and register here

Spring, March 27 - Apr 24 2025 Read full description and register here

Tuition: $2,225


Coming Soon Advanced Communication Virtual Workshop Series for Leaders - Tailored for busy leaders, this workshop series focuses on crafting critical and complex messages. Enhance your in-person and virtual presence while learning from a Peabody Award winning producer, master effective writing, and develop strategic visual storytelling skills.

Read full description

Dates: To be determined 

Tuition: $3,730




The Leadership Development Journey

Leadership is a journey that requires thinking beyond your role, committing to challenging yourself, developing your leadership competencies, and continually fine-tuning your skills. The leadership journey begins the moment you are hired. This chart depicts the roadmap for leadership development and will help you craft your Individual Development Plan (IDP). Included on the chart are the levels of leadership and management identified by OPM. The related competencies are those you must have to be successful at each level. The fundamental or core leadership competencies are basic for all employees and research has shown that employees who become proficient in these competencies have a greater rate of success in their career progression. Contact us for assistance with developing a plan to achieve your individual and organizational leadership goals.

The Path to Leadership Development
Level Role Challenges Competencies

Managing Self

All Employees

  • Prepare for leadership role
  • Increase personal effectiveness
  • Master leadership fundamentals
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Written Communication
  • Oral Communication
  • Integrity/Honesty
  • Continual Learning
  • Public Service Motivation

Managing Projects

Team Leader/Project Manager

  • Transition from individual performer to leading a team
  • Build professional relationships
  • Anticipate customer needs
  • Team Building
  • Customer Service
  • Technical Credibility
  • Accountability
  • Influencing/Negotiating

Leading and Managing People


  • Build relationships to accomplish the work
  • Handle conflict effectively
  • Analyze and solve problems effectively
  • Human Capital Management
  • Leveraging Diversity
  • Conflict Management
  • Developing Others
  • Problem Solving

Leading and Managing Programs


  • Navigate in a political environment
  • Sell ideas to senior leaders
  • Set vision and build toward the future
  • Manage financial resources
  • Incorporate technology to increase efficiency
  • Technology Management
  • Financial Management
  • Creativity & Innovation
  • Partnering
  • Political Savvy
  • Flexibility

Leading and Managing Organizations


  • Foster alignment across the organization
  • Set organizational direction
  • Set long-term and short-term strategy
  • External Awareness
  • Vision
  • Strategic Thinking
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Resilience
  • Decisiveness


About Our Leadership Programs

DOI University's leadership programs provide a planned, systematic, competency-based approach to developing future leaders at all levels of the organization. We place an emphasis on developing the competencies that are most appropriate at each level of leadership and providing learning and development opportunities to increase your competency proficiency as you progress in your leadership journey.

Entry-Level Leadership Development – Aspiring to Leadership: This program explores the difference between being an individual contributor and a leader. The program focuses on increasing awareness of personal leadership style, reinforcing strengths, and building a set of practical skills that prepare participants for future leadership roles. Through assessments, lecture, and large and small group discussion, participants develop knowledge and skills in the following competency areas: Conflict Management, Team Building, Interpersonal Skills, Problem Solving, Flexibility, Accountability, Technological Credibility, and Decisiveness.

Supervisory Leadership Development: Supervision is defined as “getting the work done through other people.” The supervisory development programs and courses are designed to provide new and experienced supervisors with the knowledge and skills to inspire and guide employees to achieve the organization’s mission and goals. To prepare new and existing supervisors for the challenges and demands of their role, the DOI University Supervisory Program is aligned with the OPM and OMB supervisory development framework for non-managers and aspiring supervisors, new supervisors, and experienced supervisors.

Mid-Level Leadership Development – Exploring Leadership: Mid-level managers serve as the operational engine that helps drive the work and the glue that holds work teams together. Exploring Leadership focuses on the competencies that are critical to successfully lead in the challenging and complex federal environment. Exploring Leadership uses a blended learning approach and includes assessments, large and small group discussion, case studies, mentoring, and webinars to give participants a challenging and enriching leadership development experience. The program is comprised of three instructor-led core sessions that address Teambuilding, Accountability, Problem Solving, Decisiveness, Influencing/Negotiating, Partnering/Collaboration, Developing Others, and External Awareness. Exploring Leadership is most appropriate for those who have some demonstrated leadership experience.

Senior Level Leadership Development: DOI University’s senior level leadership program is specifically designed to sharpen skills, develop knowledge, and strengthen personal qualities and characteristics. Participants in this program will assess their leadership skills, develop effective leadership competencies, and address the challenges of achieving the DOI mission. The program focuses on building proficiency in Visioning, Strategic Thinking, Entrepreneurship, External Awareness, Political Savvy, and Resilience; and includes developmental details, mentoring, and case studies presented by senior leadership. The senior level leadership program is most appropriate for those at the GS-14/15 level who have demonstrated leadership experience.

Executive-Level Development – Senior Executive Service Candidate Development Program (SESCDP) : The Department of the Interior’s Senior Executive Service Candidate Development Program (SESCDP) is an OPM certified program that is tailored to grow and develop a cadre of highly qualified leaders for senior executive positions. The SESCDP focuses on developing the competencies in each of the Executive Core Qualifications (ECQs) to prepare candidates to lead at the executive level. The SESCDP includes formal classroom training, formal leadership assessments, executive level developmental assignments, networking opportunities with other senior executives, exposure to government-wide leadership challenges, and mentoring. The SESCDP is a competitively selected program targeted to those at the GS-15 and high performing GS-14 level.

If DOI University does not have a leadership program that meets your organizational needs, we will work with you to design and develop a customized program which will meet your leadership development goals. Contact us to learn more about this service.